Course Curriculum:
Lesson 01 – Introduction to SQL
a. Introduction to Data
b. Introduction to Databases
c. Introduction to DBMS
e. Introduction to SQL
f. Introduction to MySQL
g. Tables in MySQL
h. Relationships in MySQL
i. Views in MySQL
j. Table VS View
Lesson 02 – Database Normalization and Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
a. Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
b. Components of ER Diagram
c. Attributes and its types
d. Relationship Sets
e. Relationship Degree
f. Relationship Types
g. Mapping Cardinalities
h. Cardinalities Notations of ER Diagram
i. Database Normalization
j. Types of Anomalies
k. Types of Normalization
Lesson 03 – Installation and SetUp
a. Downloading MySQL Community Setup
b. Installing MySQL Community
c. Configuring MySQL Community
d. Configuring MySQL Workbench
e. Connecting to MySQL Server
f. Downloading Sample MySQL Database
g. Loading Sample MySQL Database in MySQL Workbench
Lesson 04 – Working with Database and Tables
a. Introduction to Database in MySQL
b. Database Manipulation in MySQL
c. Introduction to MySQL Storage Engines
d. Storage Engine Types
e. Storage Engine Setup in MySQL
f. Creating and Managing Tables in MySQL
g. Inserting Data in Tables
h. Querying Table Data
i. Filtering Data From Tables
j. WHERE Clause
k. DISTINCT Clause
l. AND Operator
m. OR Operator
n. IN Operator
o. NOT IN Operator
p. BETWEEN Operator
q. LIKE Operator and Wildcards
r. LIMIT Operator
s. IS NULL Operator
t. IS NOT NULL Operator
u. Sorting Table Data
v. Grouping Table Data
x. Grouping Sets
y. Comments in MySQL
Lesson 05 – Working with Operators, Constraints, and Data Types
a. MySQL Operators
b. Assisted Practice: Logical Operator
c. Indexing in MySQL
d. Level of Data in SQL
e. MySQL Constraints
f. Assisted Practice: Constraint
g. Data Types in SQL
h. Assisted Practice: Data Type
Lesson 06 – Functions in SQL
a. Understanding SQL Functions
b. Aggregate Functions
c. Scalar Functions
d. String Functions
e. Advanced (Miscellaneous) Functions
f. Assisted Practice: String Function
g. Numeric (Mathematical) Functions
h. Assisted Practice: Numeric Function
i. Date and Time Functions
j. Handling duplicate records
k. General Functions
Lesson 07 – Subqueries, Operators, and Derived Tables in SQL
a. Use Case: Project and Team Management
b. Introduction to Alias
c. Introduction to JOINS
d. Operators in MySQL
e. Subquery in SQL
f. Subqueries with Statements and Operators
g. Derived Tables in SQL
h. EXISTS Operator
i. EXISTS vs. IN Operators
Lesson 08 – Windows Functions in SQL
a. Introduction to Window Function
b. Aggregate Window Functions
c. Ranking Window Functions
d. Miscellaneous Window Functions
Lesson 09 – Working with Views
a. SQL Views
b. View Manipulation Methods
Lesson 10 – Stored Procedures and Triggers in SQL
a. Advantages of Stored Procedures
b. Working with Stored Procedures
c. Compound Statements
d. Conditional Statements
e. Loops in Stored Procedures
f. Terminating Stored Procedures and Loops
g. Error Handling in Stored Procedures
h. Cursors in Stored Procedures
i. Stored Functions in Stored Procedures
j. Introduction to Stored Procedures
k. Stored Program Security
l. SQL Trigger
Lesson 11 – Performance Optimization and Best Practices in SQL
a. Execution Plan in SQL
b. Identifying the differences between Char, Varchar, and NVarchar
c. Clustered Indexes in MySQL
d. Covering Query (Assisted Practice)
e. Common Table Expressions
f. MySQL Best Practices